2020 美國Supply Chain Management MBA排名
source: the European business review
由US News網站選出的美國針對採購、供應鏈管理、物流管理的2020 MBA排名出爐了! 於MBA後想往製造業、FMCG或食品產業的同學,可參考以下的學校。
2020 Best Supply Chain Management MBA Programs參考名單如下:
#1 Michigan State University (Broad)
#2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)
#3 Arizona State University (W.P. Carey)
#4 University of Tennessee--Knoxville (Haslam)
#5 Pennsylvania State University--University Park (Smeal)
#6 Ohio State University (Fisher)
#7 Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper)
#8 Purdue University--West Lafayette (Krannert)
#9 Stanford University
#10 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross)
#11 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey--Newark and New Brunswick
#12 Georgia Institute of Technology (Scheller)